Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Some things just don't clique...

One of the main stresses of being a teenager: Cliques

Cliques are a big problem with the teenage population. You want to be accepted and that's okay, but sometimes cliques you think are cool may not be you.

I have good news: you can be yourself and be accepted at the same time *cue angels to sing hallelujah*

You can dress however you want by mixing up a few styles. You can wear sweatshirts like the jocks and skinny jeans like the emos, you can wear the leather jackets like the punks with plaid skirts like the preps. You can wear Vans like the skaters and black shirts like the goths.

You can do this with clothes, but your personality is different from your clothes. Don't mix up your personality with someone else's. Act like you and if other people don't like, that that is their problem not yours.

Cliques aren't that cool if they leave you or any others out. Don't be in a clique, be you.

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